Due to lack of entries this event has been postponed for June.
For the June club night, we are holding a Navex organised by Simon Marks. Due to the bank holiday, it is being held a week later, on Wednesday 8th June. The event is limited to just 12 entries so don’t delay in getting your entry in.
Not sure what a Navex is? Well, Navigational Exercises, or Navexes, were a mainstay of Oxford Motor Club’s events calendar in the 1970s and 1980s. Competitors turned up at the Start Venue, plotted a route on the latest Ordnance Survey Map, then drove the route, recording Route Checks and Code Boards passed along the way. The more correct answers, the more points at the finish. There was no timing element (other than an overall time limit) when declaring results.
They are suitable events for novices and experts alike –as well as those who just want an excuse to drive around Oxfordshire’s villages and countryside, whilst following a prescribed route.
We hope this will be a really enjoyable evening – if you require any more information, please contact Simon Marks on (07973) 412530 (before 20.30hrs, please) or by email A304SCA@aol.com
You will need to bring an Ordnance Survey Map 164, Pencil (I always use 2B), eraser, Romer (to assist with accurate plotting of Map References), pen and torch/head torch.