Membership Fees:
Single Membership: £15 for a full year. £8 from August 1st.
Family members: £2.50 per additional family member. They must be 12 or over and live at the same address as the main applicant.
To join Oxford Motor Club, please complete one of the two forms below:
Complete the Online Membership Form
Download and complete the Membership Application Form and send with a cheque for the appropriate fee, payable to Oxford Motor Club and return to:
Membership Secretary.
14 Matlock Close,
CV21 1LB
Membership Benefits
Oxford Motor Club produces a periodic newsletter which is distributed solely by email,
filled with information on club events and the successes (or otherwise) of our members. (Previous editions can be viewed on the Magazine page.)
Activities include video nights, table top rallies, navigational exercises, quizzes and Natter and Noggins. It’s also a great way to meet fellow club members, many of whom are seasoned competitors and Marshals.
The club has also negotiated discounts for club members with a number of motoring related companies including Hagerty insurance. Please contact the membership secretary for more details.
You will be eligible to compete on our club events and earn points towards our club championship awards. We also have good ties with other local motor clubs and as we are members of several Motorsport UK Associations you will be able to compete on events in other regions.
For those who prefer not to compete but still wish to contribute to the club and motor sport there are opportunities for marshalling and timekeeping.
Motorsport UK RS Clubmans License
In addition to club membership, all competitors (and some passengers) need to hold a new RS Clubman licence as a minimum, in order to compete in a Motorsport UK permitted event. This licence is free of charge and is available from the link below: