Online Membership Form OMC Membership Renewal Form Oxford Motor Club Membership Application/Renewal form Title Name * Membership Type * SelectIndividualFamily Family Member Names (If applicable) Family members must be 12 years or older Date of Birth (If under 25) Family members must be 12 years or older Address * Email address * Home Phone * Mobile * Membership Type New Application Renewal Payment methods: Enclose a cheque for £15 [Jan 1st-Dec 31st] or £8 [August 1st -Dec 31st] + £2.50 per family member made payable to OXFORD MOTOR CLUB and send to: Membership Secretary, 14 Matlock Close, Brownsover, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 1LB Membership will be sent upon proof of payment* Or You can pay by Bank Transfer to the account below: Lloyds bank: Please use MEMBERSHIP------- where the blanks are the applicant’s surname Payment Method Chosen Cheque Bank Transfer General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) - Informed Consent * Please choose one of the following optionsI AgreeI don't want my data to be used We collect the above personal data on our members in order to facilitate the smooth running of the Club. The Club uses this information for communication with our members. We do not circulate this information to other members nor do we divulge it to any third party. Access to this data is restricted to members of the Club Committee and members have the right to check their personal information and amend or delete it at any time by contacting the Secretary. Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ