For your August social entertainment and enjoyment, our Club President, Kev Belcher, has organised a Navigational Scatter event for Wednesday, August 10th.
It has been some years since we last ran one so we hope we can generate some enthusiasm to take part.
So, what is a Scatter?
Put simply, it is like a treasure hunt without the treasure.
The event will run on OS 1:50,000 series maps (Landranger), sheet 164 and will mostly be confined to the South West side of the map.
You are given all the locations at the start of the event and there is a questions relating to each location.
Each question is given a point score of either 5, 10 or 20 points.
As this is a navigational scatter, no pre-defined route will be imposed on any competitor, nor is there a set distance for the event. The organisers estimate that competitors should be able to visit approximately 50% of the locations within the time allocated. The total distance travelled should not exceed 55 miles.
You calculate your best route to either score most points or visit most locations, whichever you choose. There are no penalties for not visiting locations. The only important factor is allowing enough time to get back to the finish from your last location before the time out deadline.
The event is limited to just 12 entries and there are expert and novice classes and if you have any questions Kev’s contact details are in the attached regulations.